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Icon notification unit promotion available

Promotion are the ways to level up your Units in Civilization VI. Promotions are specific to each unit type. For example, Scouts might receive a bonus in their movement stats, whereas Warriors receive an early advantage against Barbarians. Accepting a promotion ends the unit's turn, but also heals the unit by up to 50 Health Points. Promotions can be saved from turn to turn, but the unit will not earn more experience while it has an unspent promotion.

Promotions Info[ | ]

See also: XP
  • Promoting: When a unit has acquired enough XP to purchase a promotion, the "Promote Unit" button on the unit panel will be active (as long as the unit still has movement points left). If you click on that button, a list of the promotions available to the unit will display. Click on a promotion to choose it for that unit. The XP is expended and the unit acquires the promotion immediately. This takes up the rest of it's turn. After a unit is promoted twice, you will also be able to give it a custom name by clicking on the "Name Unit" button on the unit panel.
  • Promotions: There are dozens of promotions available in Civilization VI. Each class of Unit (melee, cavalry, ranged, etc.), has their own promotion tree dedication them. Some promotions require that a unit have acquired other promotions before they become available. If a promotion is available to a unit, it will be listed when you click on the "Promote Unit" button.
  • Corps and Armies inherit the promotions of its most experienced unit, i.e. the one with the highest promotion level at the time you create (or expand) the formation. Any other promotions which lower ranking units had before being added to the formation are lost. That means it's a good strategy to combine new, inexperienced units with your veteran ones. If the two units you're combining are the same level but have different promotions, the resultant Corps or Army inherits the promotions from the unit you are combining the current one with (i.e. the second unit you click on when creating the formation).

List Of Promotions[ | ]

Recon[ | ]

Ranger Ranger
Faster Icon map pin movement Movement in Woods and Jungle Terrain.
Alpine Alpine
Faster Icon map pin movement Movement on Hill Terrain.
Sentry Sentry
Can see through Woods and Jungle.
Guerrilla Guerrilla
Can move after attacking.
Spyglass Spyglass
+1 sight range.
Ambush Ambush
+20 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength in all situations.
Camouflage Camouflage
Only adjacent enemy units can reveal this unit.

Melee[ | ]

Battlecry Battlecry
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. melee and ranged units.
Tortoise Tortoise
+10 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength when defending against ranged attacks.
Commando Commando
+1 Icon map pin movement Movement and Can scale Cliff walls.
Amphibious Amphibious
No Icon map pin strength Combat Strength and Icon map pin movement Movement penalty when attacking from sea or river.
Zweihander Zweihander
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. anti-cavalry units.
Urban Warfare Urban Warfare
+10 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength when fighting in a district.
Elite Guard Elite Guard
+1 additional attack per turn if Icon map pin movement Movement allows. can move after attacking.

Anti cavalry[ | ]

Echelon Echelon
+5 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. cavalry units.
Thrust Thrust
+10 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. melee units.
Square Square
Double Icon map pin strength Combat Strength when occupying the same hex as a support unit.
Schiltron Schiltron
+10 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength when defending vs. melee class units.
Redeploy Redeploy
+1 Icon map pin movement Movement.
Choke Points Choke Points
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength when defending in Woods, Jungle, Hills, or Marsh.
Hold the Line Hold the Line
Adjacent units of a different class get +10 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. cavalry.

Light cavalry[ | ]

Caparison Caparison
+5 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. Anti Cavalry.
Coursers Coursers
+5 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength when attacking ranged and siege units.
Depredation Depredation
Pillaging costs only 1 Icon map pin movement Movement point.
Double Envelopment Double Envelopment
2x flanking bonus.
Pursuit Pursuit
+1 Icon map pin movement Movement.
Spiking the Guns Spiking the Guns
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. siege units.
Forward Observers Forward Observers
Formation units all inherit escort's Icon map pin movement Movement speed.

Heavy cavalry[ | ]

Charge Charge
+10 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. fortified defender.
Barding Barding
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength when defending vs. ranged attacks.
Marauding Marauding
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. units in Districts.
Rout Rout
+5 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength against damaged units.
Armor Piercing Armor Piercing
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength against heavy cavalry units.
Reactive Armor Reactive Armor
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength when defending against heavy cavalry and anti-cavalry.
Breakthrough Breakthrough
+1 additional attack per turn if Icon map pin movement Movement allows.

Ranged[ | ]

Volley Volley
+5 Icon map pin ranged Ranged Strength vs. land units.
Garrison Garrison
+10 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength when occupying a district or Fort.
Arrow Storm Arrow Storm
+7 Icon map pin ranged Ranged Strength vs. land and naval units.
Incendiaries Incendiaries
+7 Icon map pin ranged Ranged Strength vs. district defenses.
Suppression Suppression
Exercise zone of control.
Emplacement Emplacement
+10 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength when defending vs. city attacks.
Expert Marksman Expert Marksman
+1 additional attack per turn if unit has not moved.

Siege[ | ]

Crew Weapons Crew Weapons
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength when defending.
Grape Shot Grape Shot
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. land units.
Shells Shells
+10 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. district defenses.
Shrapnel Shrapnel
+10 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. land units.
Advanced Rangefinding Advanced Rangefinding
+10 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. naval units.
Expert Crew Expert Crew
Can attack after moving.
Forward Observers Forward Observers
+1 Icon map pin ranged Range.

Naval melee[ | ]

Embolon Embolon
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. naval units.
Helmsman Helmsman
+1 Icon map pin movement Movement.
Reinforced Hull Reinforced Hull
+10 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength when defending vs. ranged attacks.
Rutter Rutter
+1 sight range.
Auxiliary Ships Auxiliary Ships
Heal outside of friendly territory.
Convoy Convoy
+10 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength when in a formation.
Creeping Attack Creeping Attack
+14 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. naval raider units.

Naval raider[ | ]

Loot Loot
+50 Icon main gold Gold from coastal raids.
Boarding Boarding
Obtain Icon main gold Gold from naval victories.
Swift Keel Swift Keel
+1 Icon map pin movement Movement.
Homing Torpedoes Homing Torpedoes
+10 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. naval units.
Observation Observation
+1 sight range.
Silent Running Silent Running
Can move after attacking.
Wolfpack Wolfpack
+1 additional attack per turn.

Naval ranged[ | ]

Line Of Battle Line Of Battle
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. naval units.
Bombardment Bombardment
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. district defenses.
Preparatory Fire Preparatory Fire
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. land units.
Rolling Barrage Rolling Barrage
+10 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. district defenses.
Supply Fleet Supply Fleet
Heal outside of friendly territory.
Proximity Fuses Proximity Fuses
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength when defending vs. air attacks.
Coincidence Rangefinding Coincidence Rangefinding
+1 Icon map pin ranged Range.

Naval carrier[ | ]

Flight Deck Flight Deck
+1 additional aircraft slot.
Scout Planes Scout Planes
+1 sight range.
Hangar Deck Hangar Deck
+1 additional aircraft slot.
Advanced Engines Advanced Engines
+1 Icon map pin movement Movement.
Folding Wings Folding Wings
+1 additional aircraft slot.
Deck Crews Deck Crews
Can heal after attacking.
Supercarrier Supercarrier
Heal outside of friendly territory.

Air fighter[ | ]

Dogfighting Dogfighting
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. fighter class units.
Cockpit Armor Cockpit Armor
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength when defending vs anti-air.
Interceptor Interceptor
+7 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. bomber class units.
Strafe Strafe
+17 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. non-cavalry units.
Ground Crews Ground Crews
Heal while patrolling or deployed.
Tank Buster Tank Buster
+17 Icon map pin strength Combat Strength vs. cavalry units.
Drop Tanks Drop Tanks
+2 Icon map pin ranged Range.

Air bomber[ | ]

Template:Promotion tree air bomber

See also: XP